As used in sections 15-14-503 to 15-14-509, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Adult" means any person eighteen years of age or older.
"Advance medical directive" means any written instructions concerning the makingof medical treatment decisions on behalf of the person who has provided the instructions. An advance medical directive includes a medical durable power of attorney executed pursuant to section 15-14-506, a declaration executed pursuant to the "Colorado Medical Treatment Decision Act", article 18 of this title, a power of attorney granting medical treatment authority executed prior to July 1, 1992, pursuant to section 15-14-501, and a declaration executed pursuant to article 18.6 of this title.
"Artificial nourishment and hydration" means any medical procedure whereby nourishment or hydration is supplied through a tube inserted into a person's nose, mouth, stomach, or intestines or nutrients or fluids are injected intravenously into a person's bloodstream.
"Decisional capacity" means the ability to provide informed consent to or refusal ofmedical treatment or the ability to make an informed health care benefit decision.
(4.7) "Health care benefit decision" means any decision or action related to the application, enrollment, disenrollment, appeal, or other function necessary for private or public health care benefits that does not conflict with any known preference of the individual.
"Health care facility" means any hospital, hospice, nursing facility, care center, dialysis treatment facility, assisted living facility, any entity that provides home and communitybased services, home health care agency, or any other facility administering or contracting to administer medical treatment, and which is licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized or permitted by law to administer medical treatment.
"Health care provider" means any physician or any other individual who administersmedical treatment to persons and who is licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized or permitted by law to administer medical treatment or who is employed by or acting for such authorized person. Health care provider includes a health maintenance organization licensed and conducting business in this state.
"Medical treatment" means the provision, withholding, or withdrawal of any healthcare, medical procedure, including artificially provided nourishment and hydration, surgery, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or service to maintain, diagnose, treat, or provide for a patient's physical or mental health or personal care.
"Physician or designee" means the treating physician or a health care professionalunder the supervision of the treating physician.
Source: L. 92: Entire section added, p. 1979, § 2, effective June 4. L. 2006: (4) amended and (4.7) and (8) added, p. 841, § 2, effective May 4.