Rights and privileges of licensure and registration - title.

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(1) Any person who possesses a valid, unsuspended, and unrevoked license as a licensed marriage and family therapist pursuant to section 12-245-504 has the right to engage in the private, independent practice of marriage and family therapy and has the right to practice and supervise marriage and family therapy practice and use the title "licensed marriage and family therapist" and the abbreviation "LMFT". No other person shall assume these titles or use these abbreviations on any work or letter, sign, figure, or device to indicate that the person using the same is a licensed marriage and family therapist.

  1. No person may engage in the practice of marriage and family therapy unless theperson is licensed pursuant to this part 5.

  2. Any person duly licensed as a licensed marriage and family therapist shall not berequired to obtain any other license or certification to practice marriage and family therapy unless otherwise required by the state board of marriage and family therapist examiners.

  3. Nothing in this part 5 shall be construed to prevent members of other professionslicensed under the laws of this state from rendering services within the scope of practice as set out in the statutes regulating their professional practices, so long as they do not represent themselves to be marriage and family therapists, or their services as marriage and family therapy.

  4. Nothing in this part 5 prevents the practice of psychotherapy by persons registeredwith the state board of unlicensed psychotherapists pursuant to section 12-245-703.

Source: L. 2019: Entire title R&RE with relocations, (HB 19-1172), ch. 136, p. 1280, § 1, effective October 1. L. 2020: (5) amended, (HB 20-1206), ch. 304, p. 1549, § 59, effective July 14.

Editor's note: This section is similar to former § 12-43-505 as it existed prior to 2019.

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