Section 98.02.

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(a) In the County of Ventura, the computations made pursuant to Section 96.1 or its predecessor section, for the 1989–90 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, shall be modified as follows:

With respect to tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, within the boundaries of a qualifying city, there shall be excluded from the aggregate amount of “property tax revenue allocated pursuant to this chapter to local agencies, other than for a qualifying city, in the prior fiscal year,” an amount equal to the sum of the amounts calculated pursuant to the TEA formula.

(b) (1) Each qualifying city shall, for the 1989–90 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, be allocated by the auditor an amount determined pursuant to the TEA formula.

(2) For each qualifying city, the auditor shall, for the 1989–90 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, distribute the amount determined pursuant to the TEA formula to all tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, within that city in proportion to each tax rate area’s share of the total assessed value in the city for the applicable fiscal year, and the amount so determined shall be subtracted from the county’s proportionate share of the property tax revenue for that fiscal year within those tax rate areas.

(3) After making the allocations pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2), but before making the calculations pursuant to Section 96.5 or its predecessor section, the auditor shall, for all tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, in the qualifying city, calculate the proportionate share of property tax revenue allocated pursuant to this section and Section 96.1, or their predecessor sections, in the 1989–90 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter to each jurisdiction in the tax rate area.

(4) In lieu of making the allocations of annual tax increment pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 96.5 or its predecessor section, the auditor shall for the 1989–90 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, allocate the amount of property tax revenue determined pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 98 to jurisdictions in the tax rate area, except an excluded tax rate area, using the proportionate shares derived pursuant to paragraph (3).

(5) For purposes of the calculations made pursuant to Section 96.1 or its predecessor section, in the 1990–91 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, the amounts that would have been allocated to all tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, of qualifying cities pursuant to this subdivision shall be deemed to be the “amount of property tax revenue allocated to those tax rate areas in the prior fiscal year.”

(c) “TEA formula” means the Tax Equity Allocation formula, and shall be calculated by the auditor for each qualifying city as follows:

(1) For the 1988–89 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, the auditor shall determine the total amount of property tax revenue to be allocated to all jurisdictions in all tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, within the qualifying city, before the allocation and payment of funds in that fiscal year to a community redevelopment agency within the qualifying city, as provided in subdivision (b) of Section 33670 of the Health and Safety Code.

(2) The auditor shall determine the amount of funds allocated in each fiscal year to those tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, within a community redevelopment agency in accordance with subdivision (b) of Section 33670 of the Health and Safety Code.

(3) (A) The auditor shall determine the total amount of funds paid in each fiscal year by a community redevelopment agency within the city to jurisdictions other than the city pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 33401 and Section 33676 of the Health and Safety Code, and the cost to the redevelopment agency of any land or facilities transferred and any amounts paid to jurisdictions other than the city to assist in the construction or reconstruction of facilities pursuant to an agreement entered into under Section 33401 or 33445.5 of the Health and Safety Code.

(B) Of the total amount determined in subparagraph (A), the auditor shall compute a proportionate amount to be attributed to all tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, within the community redevelopment agency. That proportionate amount shall be equal to that proportion which the amount determined in paragraph (2) in each fiscal year bears to the total amount of funds allocated in each fiscal year to a community redevelopment agency in accordance with subdivision (b) of Section 33670 of the Health and Safety Code.

(4) The auditor shall subtract the amount determined in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) from the amount determined in paragraph (2).

(5) The auditor shall subtract the amount determined in paragraph (4) from the amount determined in paragraph (1).

(6) The amount computed in paragraph (5) shall be multiplied by the following percentages in order to determine the TEA formula amount to be distributed to the qualifying city in each fiscal year:

(A) For the first fiscal year in which the qualifying city receives a distribution pursuant to this section, 1 percent of the amount determined in paragraph (5).

(B) For the second fiscal year in which the qualifying city receives a distribution pursuant to this section, 2 percent of the amount determined in paragraph (5).

(C) For the third fiscal year in which the qualifying city receives a distribution pursuant to this section, 3 percent of the amount determined in paragraph (5).

(D) For the fourth fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter in which the qualifying city receives a distribution pursuant to this section, 4 percent of the amount determined in paragraph (5).

(d) For purposes of this section, “excluded tax rate area” means either of the following:

(1) Any tax rate area included in territory annexed by the qualifying city and allocated a prescribed percentage of property tax revenue pursuant to an existing agreement between the qualifying city and the county.

(2) Any tax rate area described in paragraph (1) that was detached from the county library district and that is also allocated an additional prescribed percentage of property tax revenue pursuant to an existing agreement between the qualifying city and the county.

(e) (1) All existing agreements between the qualifying city and the county covering the allocation of property tax revenues to tax rate areas described in subdivision (d) shall remain in force.

(2) All existing agreements between the qualifying city and the county covering the allocation of property tax revenues to tax rate areas that were detached from the county library district but are not included in territory that was annexed by the qualifying city shall remain in force.

(3) All allocations to those tax rate areas described in subdivision (d), including allocations of annual tax increments, made pursuant to the existing agreements between the qualifying city and the county shall be governed by subdivision (a) of Section 96.1 and Section 96.5.

(4) All allocations to those tax rate areas described in paragraph (2), including allocations of annual tax increments, made pursuant to the existing agreements between the qualifying city and the county shall be governed by subdivision (a) of Section 96.1 and Section 96.5. However, the tax rate areas referred to in this paragraph shall also be distributed an amount of property tax revenue determined pursuant to the TEA formula that is over and above the amount allocated as provided in the preceding sentence.

(f) “Qualifying city” means any city that incorporated prior to June 5, 1987, and had an amount of property tax revenue allocated to it pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 96.1 or its predecessor section in the 1988–89 fiscal year that is less than 4 percent of the amount of property tax revenue computed as follows:

(1) The auditor shall determine the total amount of property tax revenue allocated to all tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, in the city in the 1988–89 fiscal year.

(2) The auditor shall subtract the amount in the 1988–89 fiscal year determined in paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) from the amount determined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (c).

(3) The auditor shall subtract the amount determined in paragraph (2) from the amount of property tax revenue in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c).

(4) The auditor shall divide the amount of property tax revenue determined in paragraph (1) of this subdivision by the amount of property tax revenue determined in paragraph (3) of this subdivision.

(5) If the quotient determined in paragraph (4) of this subdivision is less than 0.04, the city is a qualifying city. If the quotient determined in that paragraph is equal to or greater than 0.04, the city is not a qualifying city.

(g) The auditor may assess each qualifying city its proportional share of the actual costs of making the calculations required by this section, and may deduct that assessment from the amount allocated pursuant to subdivision (b). For purposes of this subdivision, a qualifying city’s proportional share of the auditor’s actual costs shall not exceed the proportion it receives of the total amounts excluded in the county pursuant to subdivision (a).

(h) (1) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2), in any fiscal year in which a qualifying city receives a distribution pursuant to this section, the auditor shall reduce the actual amount distributed to the qualifying city by the amount of revenue not collected by the qualifying city in the first fiscal year following the city’s reduction after January 1, 1988, of the tax rate or tax base of any locally imposed general or special tax. The amount so computed by the auditor shall constitute a reduction in the amount of property tax revenue distributed to the qualifying city pursuant to this section in each succeeding fiscal year. That amount shall be aggregated with any additional amount computed pursuant to this paragraph as the result of the city’s reduction in any subsequent year of the tax rate or tax base of the same or any other locally imposed general or special tax.

(2) No reduction shall be made pursuant to paragraph (1) in the case in which a local tax is reduced or eliminated as a result of either a court decision or the approval or rejection of a ballot measure by the voters.

(i) If the auditor determines that the amount to be distributed to a qualifying city pursuant to subdivision (b), as modified by subdivisions (g) and (h), would result in a qualifying city having proceeds of taxes in excess of its appropriation limit, the auditor shall reduce the amount, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, by the amount that exceeds the city’s appropriations limit.

(j) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no qualifying city shall be distributed an amount pursuant to this section that is less than the amount the city would have been allocated without the application of the TEA formula.

(k) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, commencing with the 1994–95 fiscal year, the auditor shall not reduce the amount distributed to a qualifying city under this section by reason of that city becoming the successor agency to a special district that is dissolved, merged with that city, or becomes a subsidiary district of that city, on or after July 1, 1994.

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, in no event may the auditor reduce the amount of ad valorem property tax revenue otherwise allocated to a qualifying city pursuant to this section on the basis of any additional ad valorem property tax revenues received by that city pursuant to a services for revenue agreement. For purposes of this subdivision, a “services for revenue agreement” means any agreement between a qualifying city and the county in which it is located, entered into by joint resolution of that city and that county, under which additional service responsibilities are exchanged in consideration for additional property tax revenues.

(3) (A) Notwithstanding any other law, commencing with the 2012–13 fiscal year, the auditor shall not reduce the amount distributed to the City of Simi Valley under this section by reason of that city receiving, pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 99, property taxes previously allocated to a maintenance or improvement district.

(B) The City of Simi Valley shall reimburse the auditor for the actual and reasonable costs incurred by the auditor to administer this paragraph.

(l) The amount not distributed as a result of this section to the tax rate areas, except excluded tax rate areas, in each qualifying city shall be allocated by the auditor to the county.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 319, Sec. 1. (AB 468) Effective September 26, 2011.)

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