Section 9605.

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(a) If a section or part of a statute is amended, it is not to be considered as having been repealed and reenacted in the amended form. The portions that are not altered are to be considered as having been the law from the time when those provisions were enacted; the new provisions are to be considered as having been enacted at the time of the amendment; and the omitted portions are to be considered as having been repealed at the time of the amendment. When the same section or part of a statute is amended by two or more acts enacted at the same session, any portion of an earlier one of those successive acts that is omitted from a subsequent act shall be deemed to have been omitted deliberately and any portion of a statute omitted by an earlier act that is restored in a subsequent act shall be deemed to have been restored deliberately.

(b) In the absence of any express provision to the contrary in the statute that is enacted last, it shall be conclusively presumed that the statute which is enacted last is intended to prevail over statutes that are enacted earlier at the same session and, in the absence of any express provision to the contrary in the statute that has a higher chapter number, it shall be presumed that a statute that has a higher chapter number was intended by the Legislature to prevail over a statute that is enacted at the same session but has a lower chapter number.

(c) For the purposes of this section, every statute of an even-numbered year of a two-year regular session of the Legislature is deemed to bear a higher chapter number than any statute enacted in the odd-numbered year of that session.

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 92, Sec. 93. (SB 1289) Effective January 1, 2019.)

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