Section 915.4.

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(a) The notices provided for in Sections 910.8, 911.8, and 913 shall be given by any of the following methods:

(1) Personally delivering the notice to the person presenting the claim or making the application.

(2) Mailing the notice to the address, if any, stated in the claim or application as the address to which the person presenting the claim or making the application desires notices to be sent or, if no such address is stated in the claim or application, by mailing the notice to the address, if any, of the claimant as stated in the claim or application.

(3) If the claim or application is submitted electronically, by sending the notice to the electronic address from which the claim or application was received unless the person presenting the claim or making the application requests notice to be sent to an alternative electronic address.

(b) No notice need be given where the claim or application fails to state either an address to which the person presenting the claim or making the application desires notices to be sent or an address of the claimant.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 371, Sec. 9. (SB 1473) Effective January 1, 2021.)

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