Section 9148.8.

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(a) The appropriate policy committee of the Legislature may evaluate a plan prepared pursuant to Section 9148.4 or 9148.6. The chairperson of a policy committee may alternatively require that the Joint Sunset Review Committee evaluate and provide recommendations on any plan prepared pursuant to Section 9148.4 or 9148.6, or any other legislative issue or proposal to create a new state board.

(b) The Joint Sunset Review Committee shall provide to the respective policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature any evaluation and recommendations prepared pursuant to this section.

(c) If an appropriate policy committee does not evaluate a plan prepared pursuant to Section 9148.6, then the Joint Sunset Review Committee shall evaluate the plan and provide recommendations to the Legislature.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 315, Sec. 5. (AB 28) Effective January 1, 2012.)

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