Section 9132.

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The Assembly Committee on Rules and Senate Committee on Rules, and the Joint Rules Committee, shall annually provide to the Director of Finance an itemized statement of proposed expenditures from the Assembly Operating Fund, the Senate Operating Fund, and the Operating Funds of the Assembly and Senate for inclusion in the Governor’s Budget for the ensuing fiscal year. The itemized statement of proposed expenditures shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 13320.

The itemized statement of proposed expenditures shall include, but not be limited to, the following categories:

(a) Out-of-state travel and living expense reimbursement and in-state travel and living expense reimbursement.

(b) Automotive expenses.

(c) Building utilities, maintenance, and rent.

(d) Telephone.

(e) Postage.

(f) Printing.

(g) Office supplies.

(h) Newsletters.

(i) Per diem for attendance at legislative sessions.

(j) Employee salaries and benefits.

(k) Employee travel and per diem.

(l) Equipment and furniture.

(m) Telegraph.

(n) Freight.

(o) Publications.

(p) Study contracts and any other contract not reported under any other category.

(q) Meals.

(r) Ceremonies and events.

(s) First-class air travel.

(t) Automotive repairs.

(u) Office alterations.

(v) All other expenditures.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1989, Ch. 592, Sec. 7.)

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