Section 9126.

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Unless specifically exempted from this section, all appropriations for contingent expenses of the Senate and legislative committees thereof, including appropriations previously made which have not reverted to the General Fund, shall be deposited in and credited to the Senate Contingent Fund, which fund is created in the State Treasury. The money in the fund shall be available for the expenses of the Senate and legislative committees thereof, and shall be disbursed under or pursuant to the direction of the Senate as provided in the rules, orders, and resolutions of the Senate, or as provided by the Senate Committee on Rules (which committee has a continuing existence during sessions and between sessions with such powers, duties and responsibilities as the Senate from time to time shall prescribe) as and when thereunto authorized by the Senate. The money in the fund shall be disbursed pursuant to, and the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Senate Committee on Rules shall be as provided by, the rules, orders and resolutions adopted by the Senate at the 1949 Regular Session until modified or superseded by Senate action at a subsequent session.

(Added by Stats. 1949, Ch. 1238.)

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