Section 9009.

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“Use” means any use of a carcinogen by an employer, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Manufacture of a carcinogen, industrial uses thereof, or formation of a carcinogen as a result of a chemical reaction.

(b) Sale or other transfer of a carcinogen.

(c) Storage or disposal of a carcinogen.

(d) Utilization of a carcinogen for research.

(e) Transport of a carcinogen. The State Department of Health Services and the division shall have concurrent jurisdiction with any federal agency to protect affected employees of interstate carriers, including rail carriers, while in this state, as provided in this part or as authorized by other provisions of state law.

(Added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 947, Sec. 2. Note: See this section as modified on July 17, 1991, by Governor's Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1991.)

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