Section 90.1.

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The powers and duties enumerated in this section are intended to give the department broader authority to recruit and retain qualified civil engineers.

(a) The department shall develop and implement a recruitment and incentive program for highway engineer positions which may include, but not be limited to, participation by the department in the repayment of student loans of persons recruited through the program. The department shall not expend more than one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) annually to develop and implement the student loan program, which may be paid from funds available to the department from the State Highway Account.

(b) The department shall determine the number of engineers needed in each of its 12 transportation districts and shall recruit engineers based on the personnel-year needs in each of the districts.

(c) In order to achieve the recruiting goal specified in subdivision (b), the director may offer salaries to prospective employees at any pay level above the lowest salary step, not to exceed the maximum of the range for which that person is qualified. Salaries of existing employees with similar qualifications in the same transportation district shall be increased to that level.

(d) To encourage registration, persons employed in the department’s civil engineering entry level classification shall be eligible to advance to a higher salary range within the appropriate classification, as specified in the agreement entered into by the department and Professional Engineers in California Government on May 3, 1991. Movement within this range remains subject to performance criteria.

(e) The department shall provide training or reimbursement for departmental approved training and related expenses to prepare employees for engineering license and certificate examinations. This training shall include, but is not limited to, preparation for civil engineering, land surveying, or landscape architect license examinations, and engineer-in-training or land surveyor-in-training certificate examinations. Employees shall be allowed time off without loss of compensation to attend departmental approved training or educational preparation for those licenses and certificates.

(f) The director may offer student loans of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) per student for tuition, room, board, and expenses directly related to school attendance, to students enrolled in land surveying or Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) certified structural and civil engineering curriculums. While these loans are intended to help recruit new engineers into the department, the director is not precluded from offering student loans to permanent state employees, at the discretion of the director. The student or employee shall be obligated to repay the entire loan to the department. However, for the first two years the employee works for the department, or the first two additional years an employee agrees to stay with the department, five hundred dollars ($500) of the loan shall be forgiven. For every additional year of employment after the first two or additional two years, one thousand dollars ($1,000) of the loan shall be forgiven. If the employee voluntarily leaves the employment of the department prior to the entire loan being forgiven, the employee shall pay the remaining portion of the loan in accordance with a proportionate repayment policy adopted by the director. Criteria shall be established by the director to administer this program.

(g) The complexity of the department’s engineering work and the level of responsibility imposed on the department’s engineering staff have increased significantly. For example, engineering oversight for projects funded from sources such as county tax measures for transportation and the contracting out for basic engineering services have significantly increased that complexity and level of responsibility. To reflect this increase in complexity and level of responsibility, the first level of supervision for engineering positions shall be as specified in the agreement entered into by the department and Professional Engineers in California Government on May 3, 1991.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 305, Sec. 1. Effective August 2, 1991.)

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