Section 8957.

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(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that at least 50 percent, but not more than 75 percent, of the actual costs of the California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA) for each fiscal year be financed by state funds. The balance of the operating costs shall be financed with fees and private support.

(b) The board of trustees shall set a tuition fee within a range that corresponds to actual costs to the summer school of services per pupil, up to but not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) per session in 1989. These costs shall be limited to tuition, pupil recruitment expenses, faculty and instructional supplies and related equipment, pupil room and board, and security. The amount of this fee may be increased by the board of trustees up to a 5-percent increase each year thereafter. To the extent that fees are not increased as authorized in any year, the board of trustees may increase fees in any subsequent year up to the maximum amount that would have existed if the fees had been increased 5 percent in each year.

(c) The board of trustees may award full or partial scholarships on the basis of need and ability. Pupils who are unable to pay all or part of the fee may petition the board of trustees for a fee reduction or waiver. The department, in conjunction with the board of trustees, shall promulgate rules and regulations regarding fee reduction and waivers, which shall ensure all of the following:

(1) That, to the degree scholarship funds are available, no talented applicant shall be denied admission solely because of inability to pay all or part of the fee.

(2) That any public announcement regarding the summer school program include notification that full scholarships are available, and information regarding the procedure for applying for a scholarship award.

(3) That, pursuant to Section 8953, pupil participation in the summer school program is broadly representative of the socioeconomic and ethnic diversity of the state.

(4) That the percentage of low income pupils attending the CSSSA is not reduced below the average percentage of low income pupils attending the CSSSA in the prior two years, as a result of any fee increase approved pursuant to subdivision (b).

(d) Subdivision (b) applies only to pupils who are California residents. For pupils who are not California residents, the board of trustees annually shall set a tuition fee that is not less than the total actual costs to the summer school of services per pupil. The total actual costs of services per pupil shall be computed each year for this purpose by dividing the amount of school expenditures for the prior fiscal year by the total pupil population for the prior year.

(e) The Foundation for the California State Summer School for the Arts, which has been established as a nonprofit foundation to support the CSSSA, may raise funds from the private sector that may be used by the summer school for general program operating costs, scholarships, program augmentation, public relations, recruitment activity, or special projects. Private support may include, but not be limited to, direct grants to the summer school from private corporations or foundations, individual contributions, in-kind contributions, or fundraising benefits conducted by any entity.

(f) The board of trustees shall report annually by October 1, to the Governor, the Legislature, and the Department of Finance, the percentages and numbers of pupils that receive each of the following:

(1) Scholarships.

(2) A waiver of all fees.

(3) A reduction of fees.

(4) Data comparable to that required by paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) for the prior three years.

(Amended by Stats. 2003, Ch. 573, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2004.)

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