Section 8956.

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(a) The site for the California State Summer School for the Arts shall be chosen for one year or on a multiyear basis to be determined by the board of trustees by the cost effectiveness of the proposals submitted to the board through a competitive request for proposal procedure. The criteria for selection shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:

(1) Space requirements of the summer school, including residential space and appropriate facilities for all artistic disciplines offered by the summer school.

(2) Technical, administrative, and support services available to the summer school, submitted with an appropriate budget designating donated services and the costs to the summer school of having other services provided.

(3) Materials, supplies, and equipment available for the exclusive use of the summer school. Materials or equipment which may be used by the host institution during its regular sessions either shall be purchased by the host institution, which may charge the summer school a rental fee for the use of the materials or equipment, or purchased by the summer school, which shall charge the host institution a rental fee for the use of the materials or equipment during the institution’s regular sessions.

(4) Operating funds and in-kind services.

(b) Private institutions, colleges, and universities, appropriate privately owned and operated facilities, and state facilities, including, but not limited to, facilities of the California State University and the University of California, may be used as the site for the summer school. A regional consortium of campuses and adjacent cultural centers operated by nonprofit organizations may be considered as a single site in the selection process.

(Amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 1515, Sec. 1.)

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