Section 8953.5.

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The board of trustees shall do all of the following:

(a) Provide for the operation and governance of the California State Summer School for the Arts.

(b) Appoint a person to fill the full-time, permanent, exempt position of Director of the California State Summer School for the Arts. The director shall employ two assistants, one for program and one for administration, and any other necessary staff.

(c) Develop a statewide application and audition procedure. The procedure shall be implemented with the cooperation of the appropriate state and local agencies, including, but not limited to, school districts, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges.

The cost of the application and audition process shall be at least partially offset by charging each applicant a fee not to exceed twenty dollars ($20). Applicants who are unable to pay the fee shall petition the State Department of Education for a waiver, which shall be granted or denied pursuant to the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to Section 8953.

(d) Maintain an advisory committee or committees to assist the board in administering the summer school.

(e) Develop the curriculum of the summer school.

(f) Establish a nonprofit foundation to develop and receive private support for the summer school.

(g) Establish a permanent endowment fund for the summer school.

(h) Exercise any other powers necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

(Added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 1131, Sec. 6.)

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