Section 8952.5.

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(a) The California State Summer School for the Arts shall be governed by a 15-member board of trustees, to be known as the Trustees of the California State Summer School for the Arts. The membership of the board shall be broadly representative of the cultural, ethnic, and geographic diversity of the state, and shall be composed of artists, arts educators, university professors and administrators, arts administrators, representatives of foundations, corporations, and commercial arts industries, and other distinguished citizens of the state.

(b) The membership of the board of trustees shall be as follows:

(1) Four members appointed by the Governor.

(2) One member appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly.

(3) One member appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules.

(4) Two members appointed by the State Board of Education, one of whom shall be a current member of the State Board of Education.

(5) One member appointed by the California Arts Council, who shall be a current member of the council.

(6) One member appointed by the Trustees of the California State University.

(7) One member appointed by the Regents of the University of California.

(8) Four members appointed by the governing board of the nonprofit foundation established pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 8953.5, who shall be the president of the foundation, another officer of the foundation, a member of the governing body of the foundation, and one other person who is a member of the governing body of the foundation, has a prior relationship with the foundation, or has otherwise exhibited a continuing interest in the foundation or in the California State Summer School for the Arts.

(c) Each appointment shall be for a term of three years, and each member shall be eligible for reappointment.

(d) The board of trustees annually shall select a chairperson and vice chairperson, and annually shall hold not less than four meetings.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 1091, Sec. 19.)

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