Section 88805.

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(a) (1) The governing board of a community college district may apply for funds pursuant to this part for the purpose of making more effective, evidence-based practices available to more underprepared students who enroll at campuses of the California Community Colleges. A community college within the district may receive funds to implement these evidence-based practices for the first time or to expand to additional students any evidence-based practices that are in effect as of the date of the district’s application for funds.

(2) Community colleges may use funds allocated pursuant to this part to support remedial education curriculum redesign, professional development and release time for faculty, and support staff as appropriate, and data collection and reporting.

(b) The evidence-based practices implemented or expanded pursuant to funding received as specified in subdivision (a) shall include basic skills improvement strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness in accelerating the progress of underprepared students toward, and increasing the number of underprepared students who successfully achieve in a timely manner, one or both of the following goals:

(1) Completing a college-level English or mathematics course, or both, within a sequence of three or fewer courses after enrollment in a community college, to prepare students for college-level work.

(2) Earning an industry-relevant college certificate or degree within two years.

(Added by Stats. 2015, Ch. 22, Sec. 20. (SB 81) Effective June 24, 2015.)

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