Section 8850.5.

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“Family relationships and parenting education,” as used in this chapter, means an instructional program designed to provide pupils at all grade levels with age-appropriate components, including all of the following:

(a) Development of an understanding of the physical, mental, emotional, social, economic, and psychological aspects of themselves and others, and of the physiological, psychological, and cultural foundations of human development.

(b) The opportunity to acquire knowledge which will support the development of responsible family relationships, strengthen the pupil’s current family life, and further the understanding of the role of the parent.

(c) Development of an understanding of the consequences of decisions and actions upon personal, family, and peer relationships.

(d) Recognition of, and attention to, the significance of healthy self-esteem in the growth and development of healthy human beings.

(Added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1619, Sec. 1.)

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