Section 88244.

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(a) Subject to the provisions of this article, any community college district may employ instructional aides to assist classroom instructors and other faculty in the performance of duties as defined in Section 88243. An instructional aide shall perform only such duties as, in the judgment of the faculty to whom the instructional aide is assigned, may be performed by a person not qualified as a classroom instructor. These duties shall not include assignment of grades to students. An instructional aide need not perform such duties in the physical presence of the instructor but the faculty member shall retain responsibility for the instruction and supervision of the students in his or her charge.

(b) Educational qualifications for instructional aides shall be prescribed by the community college district employer and shall be appropriate to the responsibilities to be assigned.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1302, Sec. 203. Effective September 25, 1990.)

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