Section 88224.

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Compensation granted by the governing board to the employee on leave may be paid in two equal annual installments during the first two years of service rendered in the employ of the governing board following the return of the employee from the leave of absence. The compensation shall be paid the employee while on the leave of absence in the same manner as if the employee were working for the district, upon the furnishing by the employee of a suitable bond indemnifying the governing board of the district against loss in the event that the employee fails to render at least two years’ service in the employ of the governing board following the return of the employee from the leave of absence. The bond shall be exonerated in the event the failure of the employee to return and render two years’ service is caused by the death or physicial or mental disability of the employee. If the governing board finds, and by resolution declares, that the interests of the district will be protected by the written agreement of the employee to return to the service of the district and render at least two years’ service therein following his return from the leave, the governing board in its discretion may waive the furnishing of the bond and pay the employee on leave in the same manner as though a bond is furnished.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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