Section 88168.

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Upon initial employment and upon each change in classification thereafter, each classified employee shall be furnished two copies of his or her class specification, salary data, assignment or work location, together with duty hours and the prescribed workweek. The salary data shall include the annual, monthly or pay period, daily, hourly, overtime and differential rate of compensation, whichever are applicable. One copy shall be retained by the employee and the other copy shall be signed and dated by the employee and returned to his or her supervisor.

This section shall not apply to short-term, limited-term, or provisional employees, as those terms are defined in this chapter.

This section shall apply to districts that have adopted the merit system in the same manner and effect as if it were a part of Article 3 (commencing with Section 88060).

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 228. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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