Section 88098.

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A regular employee who is determined by the governing board to be incapable of performing the duties of his or her class because of illness or injury may, at the discretion of the governing board, be assigned duties that he or she is capable of performing. The position to which the employee is assigned shall be subject to classification by the personnel commission, but the employee shall receive no increase in wage or salary because of his or her assignment to the position unless he or she is appointed from an eligibility list resulting from a competitive examination in the event that the position is classified and allocated to a higher wage or salary than that previously attained by the employee, he or she may be assigned to the position without competitive examination, but shall continue to receive the wage or salary of his or her former classification. If the position is classified and allocated to a lower wage or salary than that attained by the employee, he or she shall be paid the wage or salary appropriate to the position.

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 215. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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