Section 88097.

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Written notices concerning tests, vacancies, transfer opportunities, and other selections of shifts, positions, assignments, classifications, or locations shall be posted at all work locations of employees who may be affected not later than 15 working days prior to the closing date of filing appropriate applications, together with the normal use of newspapers and bulletins for public notice for open or promotional vacancies. Whenever the subject of these notices may affect a probationary or permanent classified employee who will not be reporting at his or her work location during periods when the employee is not normally required to work, such as Christmas, Easter, summer recesses, and other paid or unpaid leaves of absences, including vacations, and who has previously requested notification, the notices shall be mailed to the employee. However, the failure of an employee to receive a notice shall not invalidate any procedure, if, in fact, the notice was placed in the mail and postage paid.

This section shall not apply to any community college district that publishes and distributes to all work locations examination bulletins at least once each month, provided that records of employee requests for transfer and change of location are maintained and that the names of all candidates for transfer and change of location to a vacancy are certified to the appointing authority along with names of appropriate applicants from employment lists.

The personnel commission shall establish procedures for the maintenance of employee requests for transfer, change of location, change of shift, and notification of forthcoming examinations.

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 214. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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