Section 88073.

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The commission shall prepare an annual budget for its own office which, upon the approval of the county superintendent of schools, shall be included by the governing board in the regular budget of the community college district. The annual budget of the commission may include amounts for the purposes of Section 88075.

The budget shall be prepared for a public hearing by the commission to be held not later than May 30 of each year. The commission shall forward a copy of its proposed budget to the governing board indicating the time, date and place for the public hearing of the budget and shall invite board and district administration representatives to attend and present their views. The commission shall fully consider the views of the governing board prior to adoption of its proposed budget. The commission shall then forward its proposed budget to the county superintendent of schools for action.

If the county superintendent of schools proposes to reject the budget as submitted by the commission, he shall, within 30 days after the commission’s submission of the budget, hold a public hearing on the proposed rejection within the affected district. He shall have informed both the commission and the governing board of the date, time and place of the hearing. He may after such public hearing either reject, or, with the concurrence of the commission, amend the proposed budget. In the absence of agreement between the personnel commission and the county superintendent the budget of the preceding year shall determine the amount of the new budget, and the items of expenditure shall be determined by the commission.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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