Section 8807.

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(a) The department is required to implement this chapter only to the extent that funds are apportioned for that purpose under the annual Budget Act, or are made available to the department for the purposes of this chapter from federal sources. It is the intent of the Legislature that the Superintendent, in consultation with the agency secretary, seek and utilize any federal funds that may be made available for the purposes of this chapter.

(b) All money appropriated by the Legislature to the Superintendent for purposes of the Healthy Start Support Services for Children Act, shall be allocated by the Superintendent to local educational agencies or consortia that have been selected to participate in the grant program. Any amount not allocated during a fiscal year may be carried over to the subsequent fiscal year. In order to ensure that those local educational agencies or consortia that receive planning grants will be eligible to receive operational grants, a portion of any funds appropriated during a fiscal year may be reserved for allocation as operational grants in future fiscal years.

(c) Any funds that are not expended by a local educational agency or consortium by the end of the three-year period of the grant shall be returned to the state, except under the following circumstances:

(1) A local educational agency or consortium that received an operational grant in the 1992 calendar year may retain up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) of any amount not expended within the three-year period of the grant.

(2) A local educational agency or consortium that received an operational grant in the 1993 calendar year or any calendar year thereafter, may retain up to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of any amount not expended within the three-year period of the grant.

(3) The expenditure of any funds retained pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) shall be for a one-year period and shall be used exclusively to continue the program operations consistent with the original grant. Retention of funds pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) shall be contingent on approval by the department of an expenditure plan submitted by the local educational agency or consortium.

(d) To the extent permitted by federal law, any funding made available to a local educational agency or consortium shall be subject to all of the following conditions:

(1) The program is open to children without regard to any child’s religious beliefs or any other factor related to religion.

(2) No religious instruction is included in the program.

(3) The space in which the program is operated is not used in any manner to foster religion during the time used for operation of the program.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 347, Sec. 10. (SB 942) Effective January 1, 2012.)

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