Section 88068.

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(a) Appointment to vacancies occurring subsequent to the initial appointment shall be made by the original appointing authority either for a new full term or to fill an unexpired term. The procedures required in Sections 88065 and 88066 shall be followed in the appointment and recommendation for appointment to fill vacancies occurring subsequent to the initial appointments.

(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a) the governing board at the request of the personnel director shall declare that an emergency exists and shall make an interim appointment to fill a vacancy or vacancies to insure the continuance of the functions of the personnel commission. An interim appointment shall terminate on the date the notification of permanent appointment is received by the appointee.

(c) An interim appointee must meet the requirements of Section 88064 and be free of the restrictions contained therein.

(d) An interim appointment in no event shall be valid for more than 60 days.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)

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