Section 88067.

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Appointees to a commission in a district which has newly adopted the system shall take office upon receipt of notification of the appointment but the term of office shall run from noon of the first day of December next succeeding.

In community college districts with a three-member personnel commission, the initial appointee of the governing board shall serve a three-year term, and the term of the appointee recommended by classified employees and the third member selected by the other two members shall be for two years and one year respectively.

In community college districts which have elected to establish a five-member personnel commission, one of the initial appointees of the governing board, and one of the initial appointees nominated by the classified employees shall serve three-year terms. The term of the other initial appointee of the governing board and the other initial appointee nominated by the classified employees of the district, shall be for two years, and the term of the appointee selected by the other members of the commission shall be for one year.

Subsequent terms shall be for three years commencing at noon the first day of December.

A three-member commission may perform any act authorized or required by law when two members have been appointed.

A five-member commission may perform any act authorized or required by law when three members have been appointed.

(Amended by Stats. 1985, Ch. 723, Sec. 13.)

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