Section 88066.

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(a) Within 30 days after adoption of the system the governing board shall publicly announce its intended appointee, and the appointee or appointees, as appropriate, nominated by its classified employees. As soon after their appointment as practicable but within 30 days, the appointed members shall announce their intended appointee for the third or fifth member, as appropriate. They may consider the recommendations of the governing board, the classified employees, or other concerned citizens. If these members do not announce their intended appointee within the 30-day period, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall make the appointment.

“Adoption of the system” means, in the case of Section 88051, the day on which a successful election is certified to the governing board or, in the case of Section 88054, the day the governing board approves a motion, order, or resolution to adopt the system regardless of the date specified for operational commencement of the system.

(b) Where a system is already in existence and a vacancy will exist on December 1, by not later than September 30:

(1) The governing board shall publicly announce the name of the person it intends to appoint or reappoint, if the vacancy is its appointee.

(2) The appointee or appointees, as appropriate, of the governing board and the appointee or appointees of the classified employees shall publicly announce the name of the person they intend to appoint, if the vacancy is their appointee.

If the governing board and the classified employees of the district are unable to agree upon a nomination by September 30, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall make the appointment within 30 days.

(c) Where a system is already in existence and a vacancy in a position nominated by the classified employees will occur, the classified employees shall submit the name of its nominee to the governing board at least 30 days prior to the date on which the vacancy will occur and the governing board shall appoint that nominee to be effective on the date on which the vacancy would occur.

(d) At a board meeting to be held after 30 and within 45 days of the dates specified in subdivision (a) and paragraph (1) of subdivision (b), as the case may be, the governing board in open hearing shall provide the public and employees and employee organizations the opportunity to express their views on the qualifications of those persons recommended by the governing board for appointment.

The board at the time may make its appointment or may make a substitute appointment or recommendation without further notification or public hearing.

In the case of the nominees of the classified employees, the board shall appoint the nominee, unless the classified employees voluntarily withdraw the name of the nominee and submit the name of a new nominee. In the latter case, the board shall then appoint the new nominee.

(e) In the event a vacancy exists because of a failure of the classified employees to agree on a nominee, the board may make an emergency appointment as authorized in subdivision (b) of Section 88065. If there is no personnel director, the board may nevertheless make an emergency interim appointment under this subdivision.

(f) At the next regularly scheduled personnel commission meeting to be held after 30 days from adoption of the system, as specified in subdivision (a), or at the next regularly scheduled personnel commission meeting to be held after 30 days from the day the intended appointee is announced, as specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b), as the case may be, the appointee or appointees of the governing board and the appointee or appointees nominated by the classified employees shall, in an open hearing, provide the public and employees and employee organizations the opportunity to express their views on the qualifications of each candidate recommended for the vacancy. Each candidate shall be invited to this meeting.

The appointee or appointees of the governing board and the appointee or appointees nominated by the classified employees may make their appointment or may make a substitute appointment or recommendation without further notification or public hearing.

(g) A commissioner whose term has expired may continue to discharge the duties of the office until a successor is appointed, but for no more than 90 calendar days. This subdivision shall become operative on January 1, 1994.

(Amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 1296, Sec. 35. Effective October 11, 1993.)

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