Section 88065.

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One member of the commission shall be appointed by the governing board of the district and one member, nominated by the classified employees of the district, shall be appointed by the governing board of the district. Those two members shall, in turn, appoint the third member.

As used in this section, “classified employees” shall mean an exclusive representative which represents the largest number of classified employees in a unit or units within the district. If there is no such exclusive representative within the district the governing board shall, by written rule, prescribe the method by which the recommendation is to be made by its classified employees.

In any community college district which has a five-member personnel commission, two members of the commission shall be appointed by the governing board of the district and two members, nominated by the classified employees of the district, shall be appointed by the governing board of the district. Those four members of the personnel commission shall, in turn, appoint the fifth member to the commission.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1302, Sec. 187. Effective September 25, 1990.)

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