Section 88030.

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Notwithstanding Section 88026, the workweek shall consist of not more than five consecutive working days for any employee having an average workday of four hours or more during the workweek. Such an employee shall be compensated for any work required to be performed on the sixth or seventh day following the commencement of the workweek at a rate equal to 11/2 times the regular rate of pay of the employee designated and authorized to perform the work.

An employee having an average workday of less than four hours during a workweek shall, for any work required to be performed on the seventh day following the commencement of his or her workweek, be compensated for at a rate equal to 11/2 times the regular rate of pay of the employee designated and authorized to perform the work.

Positions and employees excluded from overtime compensation pursuant to Section 88029 shall likewise be excluded from this section.

This section shall apply to districts that have adopted the merit system in the same manner and effect as if it were a part of Article 3 (commencing with Section 88060).

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 197. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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