Section 88018.

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Any division, uniting, unionization, annexation, merger, or change of community college district boundaries shall not affect the rights of persons employed in nonacademic positions to continue in employment for not less than two years and to retain the salary, leaves and other benefits which they would have had had the reorganization not occurred, and in the manner provided in this article:

(a) All employees of every community college district which is included in any other district, or all districts included in a new district, shall become employees of the new district.

(b) When a portion of the territory of any district becomes part of another district employees regularly assigned to perform their duties in the territory affected shall become employees of the acquiring district. Employees whose assignments pertained to the affected territory, but whose employment situs was not in such territory, may elect to remain with the original district or become employees of the acquiring district.

(c) When the territory of any district is divided between or among two or more districts and the original district ceases to exist, employees of the original district regularly assigned to perform their duties in any specific territory of such district shall become employees of the district acquiring the territory. Employees not assigned to specific territory within the original district shall become employees of any acquiring district at their election.

(d) Employees regularly assigned by the original district to any school in said district shall be an employee of the district in which said school is located. Except as herein provided, nothing herein shall deprive the governing board of the acquiring district from making reasonable reassignments of duties.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1302, Sec. 183. Effective September 25, 1990.)

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