Section 88010.5.

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A classified employee employed by any community college district that decides to maintain classes on Saturday or Sunday, or both, shall not, without his or her written consent, be required to change his or her workweek to include Saturday or Sunday, or both. No classified employee shall be assigned to perform services on a Saturday or Sunday if the classified employee objects in writing that the assignment would conflict with his or her religious beliefs or practices. Enactment of this section shall cause no change or disruption in existing work schedules that may already include Saturday or Sunday as regular workdays.

This section shall not be construed as limiting the power of any governing board of a community college district to govern the schools of the district, including the assignment of classified employees employed by the district.

This section shall not be construed as modifying or otherwise affecting Section 88026, 88027, 88030, or 88040 or any other provisions of this code relating to employment of classified employees.

(Amended by Stats. 1993, Ch. 139, Sec. 1. Effective July 19, 1993.)

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