Section 88002.

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(a) For the purposes of this section, every classified employee shall be deemed to be employed for 12 months during each college year regardless of the number of months in which he or she is normally in paid status.

(b) If, during a college year, it is necessary to assign a regular classified employee to perform an assignment or service in addition to his or her regular assignment, a community college district shall pay the classified employee on a pro rata basis for the additional assignment or service, not less than the compensation and benefits that are applicable to the classification of the additional assignment or service during the regular college year, unless the community college district has negotiated a contract that allows for a lesser pay scale. A community college district shall inform a classified employee of the compensation and benefits of the additional assignment or service before the employee commences the additional assignment or service.

(c) A community college district that, in any college year, maintains school sessions at times other than during the regular academic year shall assign for service, during those times, regular classified employees of the district.

(d) If it is necessary to assign classified employees not regularly so assigned to serve between the end of one academic year and the commencement of another, the assignment shall be made on the basis of qualifications for employment in each classification of service that is required.

(1) A community college district may not require a classified employee whose regular yearly assignment for service excludes all, or any part of, the period between the end of the academic year to the beginning of the next academic year to perform services during that period.

(2) A classified employee, for services performed as provided in this subdivision, shall receive, on a pro rata basis, not less than the compensation and benefits that are applicable to the classification of the additional assignment or service during the regular academic year.

(e) This section shall apply to districts that have adopted the merit system in the same manner and effect as if it were a part of Article 3 (commencing with Section 88060).

(Amended by Stats. 2003, Ch. 280, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2004.)

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