Section 87810.

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Whenever a person has rendered service in an academic position, or the governing board of a district has employed a person in an academic position or the county superintendent has drawn an order for a warrant in favor of a person in an academic position, for a period of service during which the person did not have the qualifications required for the position as required by law, and when as a result thereof the employment of the person to render the service, the rendering of the service, the inclusion of the attendance of students taught by the person in the average daily attendance of the district, or the drawing of the order warrant for the service of that person, is in violation of any provision of this code, the employment, rendering of service, inclusion of attendance, or drawing of the order for the warrant shall be deemed fully legal for all purposes if the board of governors approves thereof in accordance with this section.

The board of governors shall adopt rules and regulations to establish procedures for a review in those cases and shall determine whether the rendering of the service shall be approved and made fully legal for all purposes. If the board gives its approval to the rendering of such service, then the employment, inclusion of attendance, and drawing of the order for the warrant shall be automatically approved and made fully legal for all purposes.

Unless and until amended by the board of governors, the regulations shall provide that the rendering of the service shall be approved if either of the following circumstances apply:

(a) The board determines that the person rendering the service had the necessary qualifications during the period of service in question.

(b) The district governing board determines, through a process that meets the requirements of Section 87359, and based on reasonable evidence, that the person rendering the service had qualifications that are at least equivalent to the qualifications specified in regulations of the board of governors.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1302, Sec. 164. Effective September 25, 1990.)

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