Section 87780.

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When a person employed in an academic position is absent from his or her duties on account of illness or accident for a period of five school months or less, whether or not the absence arises out of or in the course of the employment of the employee, the amount deducted from the salary due the employee for any month in which the absence occurs shall not exceed the sum that is actually paid a temporary employee employed to fill his or her position during his or her absence or, if no temporary employee was employed, the amount that would have been paid to the temporary employee had he or she been employed. The community college district shall make every reasonable effort to secure the services of a temporary employee.

The governing board of every community college district shall adopt a salary schedule for temporary employees. The salary schedule shall indicate a salary for a temporary employee for all categories or classes of academic employees of the district.

Except in a district where the governing board has adopted a salary schedule for temporary employees of the district, the amount paid the temporary employee during any month shall be less than the salary due the employee absent from his or her duties.

When a person employed in an academic position is absent from his or her duties on account of illness for a period of more than five school months, or when a person is absent from his or her duties for a cause other than illness, the amount deducted from the salary due the person for the month in which the absence occurs shall be determined according to the rules and regulations established by the governing board of the district. These rules and regulations shall not conflict with rules and regulations of the board of governors.

Nothing in this section shall be construed to deprive any district, city, or city and county of the right to make any reasonable rule for the regulation of accident or sick leave or cumulative accident or sick leave without loss of salary for academic employees.

This section shall be applicable whether or not the absence from duty is by reason of a leave of absence granted by the governing board of the employing district.

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 180. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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