Section 87743.3.

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Each faculty member shall qualify for one or more faculty service areas at the time of initial employment. A faculty member shall be eligible for qualification in any faculty service area in which the faculty member has met both minimum qualifications pursuant to Section 87356 and district competency standards. After initial employment, a faculty member may apply to the district to add faculty service areas for which the faculty member qualifies. The application shall be received by the district on or before February 15 in order to be considered in any proceeding pursuant to Section 87743 during the academic year in which the application is received. Any dispute arising from an allegation that a faculty member has been improperly denied a faculty service area shall be classified and procedurally addressed as a grievance. If the district has no grievance procedure, fair and equitable procedures for the resolution of the disputes shall be developed by the academic senate and representatives of the governing board.

(Added by Stats. 1988, Ch. 973, Sec. 54. Operative July 1, 1990, pursuant to Sec. 70(d) of Ch. 973.)

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