Section 87735.

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Upon the filing of written charges, duly signed and verified by the person filing them with the governing board of a community college district, or upon a written statement of charges formulated by the governing board, charging a permanent employee of the district with immoral conduct, conviction of a felony or of any crime involving moral turpitude, with incompetency due to mental disability, or with willful refusal to perform regular assignments without reasonable cause, as prescribed by reasonable rules and regulations of the employing district, the governing board may, if it deems such action necessary, immediately suspend the employee from his or her duties and give notice to him or her of his or her suspension, and that 30 days after service of the notice, he or she will be dismissed, unless he or she demands a hearing.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1302, Sec. 127. Effective September 25, 1990.)

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