Section 87672.

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If a governing board decides it intends to dismiss or penalize a contract or regular employee, it shall deliver a written statement, duly signed and verified, to the employee setting forth the complete and precise decision of the governing board and the reasons therefor.

The written statement shall be delivered by serving it personally on the employee or by mailing it by United States registered mail to the employee at his or her address last known to the district.

A governing board may postpone the operative date of a decision to dismiss or impose penalties for a period not to exceed one year, subject to the employee’s satisfying his or her legal responsibilities as determined by statute and rules and regulations of the district. At the end of this period of probation, the decision shall be made operative or permanently set aside by the governing board.

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 159. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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