Section 87663.

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(a) Contract employees shall be evaluated at least once in each academic year. Regular employees shall be evaluated at least once in every three academic years. Temporary employees shall be evaluated within the first year of employment. Thereafter, evaluation shall be at least once every six regular semesters, or once every nine regular quarters, as applicable.

(b) Whenever an evaluation is required of a faculty member by a community college district, the evaluation shall be conducted in accordance with the standards and procedures established by the rules and regulations of the governing board of the employing district.

(c) Evaluations shall include, but not be limited to, a peer review process.

(d) The peer review process shall be on a departmental or divisional basis, and shall address the forthcoming demographics of California, and the principles of affirmative action. The process shall require that the peers reviewing are both representative of the diversity of California and sensitive to affirmative action concerns, all without compromising quality and excellence in teaching.

(e) The Legislature recognizes that faculty evaluation procedures may be negotiated as part of the collective bargaining process.

(f) In those districts where faculty evaluation procedures are collectively bargained, the faculty’s exclusive representative shall consult with the academic senate prior to engaging in collective bargaining regarding those procedures.

(g) It is the intent of the Legislature that faculty evaluation include, to the extent practicable, student evaluation.

(h) A probationary faculty member shall be accorded the right to be evaluated under clear, fair, and equitable evaluation procedures locally defined through the collective bargaining process where the faculty has chosen to elect an exclusive representative. Those procedures shall ensure good-faith treatment of the probationary faculty member without according him or her de facto tenure rights.

(i) Governing boards shall establish and disseminate written evaluation procedures for administrators. It is the intent of the Legislature that evaluation of administrators include, to the extent possible, faculty evaluation.

(Amended (as amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 973) by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1302, Sec. 114. Effective September 25, 1990.)

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