Section 8760.

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(a) The governing board of any school district may do the following:

(1) Conduct programs and classes in outdoor science education and conservation education within or without the boundaries of the district and for that purpose employ instructors, supervisors, and other personnel and provide necessary equipment and supplies.

(2) Acquire and maintain real or personal property needed for outdoor science education and conservation education programs and classes either within or without the boundaries of the district either by purchase, rental, lease, gift, or other means in the same manner as if the property were within the boundaries of the school district.

(3) Contract with the United States, the State of California, any city, county, city and county or school district therein, or any combination thereof, for the joint operation and maintenance of these programs and classes in outdoor science education and conservation education or for assistance in their operation and maintenance.

(4) Transport or arrange transportation of pupils, instructors, supervisors, or other personnel to or from places where these programs and classes are being conducted, whether within or without the district; provided, the transportation is within the state.

(b) The governing board of any school district may contract with an outside provider for the services of naturalists. The services provided by the naturalists shall be under the exclusive control and management of the governing board of the school district and shall comply with all guidelines established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction relating to outdoor educational programs. Any naturalist under contract with the governing board of a school district pursuant to this section and all services provided by a naturalist shall be under the supervision of a certificated employee of the school district. Any naturalist assigned to serve school districts under an outside contract shall be subject to Sections 45125 and 49406. No person who has been convicted of any sex offense defined in Section 44010, or any controlled substance offense defined in Section 44011, shall be permitted to render service as a naturalist.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1372, Sec. 79.)

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