Section 87482.8.

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Whenever possible:

(a) Part-time faculty should be informed of assignments at least six weeks in advance.

(b) Part-time faculty should be paid for the first week of an assignment when class is cancelled less than two weeks before the beginning of a semester. If a class meets more than once per week, part-time faculty should be paid for all classes that were scheduled for that week.

(c) The names of part-time faculty should be listed in the schedule of classes rather than just described as “staff.”

(d) Part-time faculty should be considered to be an integral part of their departments and given all the rights normally afforded to full-time faculty in the areas of book selection, participation in department activities, and the use of college resources, including, but not necessarily limited to, telephones, copy machines, supplies, office space, mail boxes, clerical staff, library, and professional development.

(Added by Stats. 2003, Ch. 882, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2004.)

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