Section 87482.6.

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(a) Until the provisions of Section 84750 regarding program-based funding are implemented by a standard adopted by the board of governors that establishes the appropriate percentage of hours of credit instruction that should be taught by full-time instructors, the Legislature wishes to recognize and make efforts to address longstanding policy of the board of governors that at least 75 percent of the hours of credit instruction in the California Community Colleges, as a system, should be taught by full-time instructors. To this end, community college districts which have less than 75 percent of their hours of credit instruction taught by full-time instructors shall apply a portion of the program improvement allocation received pursuant to Section 84755 as follows:

(1) Districts which, in the prior fiscal year, had between 67 percent and 75 percent of their hours of credit instruction taught by full-time instructors shall apply up to 33 percent of their program improvement allocation as necessary to reach the 75 percent standard. If a district in this category chooses instead not to improve its percentage, the board of governors shall withhold 33 percent of the district’s program improvement allocation.

(2) Districts which, in the prior fiscal year, had less than 67 percent of their hours of credit instruction taught by full-time instructors shall apply up to 40 percent of their program improvement allocation as necessary to reach the 75 percent standard. If a district in this category chooses instead not to improve its percentage, the board of governors shall withhold 40 percent of the district’s program improvement allocation.

Districts which maintain 75 percent or more of their hours of credit instruction taught by full-time instructors shall otherwise be free to use their program improvement allocation for any of the purposes specified in Section 84755.

(b) The board of governors shall adopt regulations for the effective administration of this section. Unless and until amended by the board of governors, the regulations shall provide as follows:

(1) In computing the percentage of hours of credit instruction taught by full-time instructors, the hours of overload teaching by full-time instructors shall be excluded from both the total hours of credit instruction taught by full-time and part-time instructors and the total hours of instruction taught by full-time instructors.

(2) A full-time instructor shall be defined as any regular and contract faculty member teaching credit instruction.

(3) The chancellor shall compute and report to each community college district the number of full-time faculty (FTF) which are to be secured through the use of the prescribed portion of program improvement revenue allocated to each district. This computation shall be made by dividing the applicable portion of program improvement revenue (0 percent, 33 percent, or 40 percent of the program improvement allocation), by the statewide average “replacement cost” (a figure which represents the statewide average faculty salary plus benefits, minus the statewide average hourly rate of compensation for part-time instructors times the statewide average full-time teaching load). If the quotient is not a whole number, then the quotient shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number. If this quotient, once applied, will result in the district exceeding the 75 percent standard, the chancellor shall further reduce the quotient to a whole number that will leave the district as close as possible to, but in excess of, the 75 percent standard.

By March 15th of each year, the chancellor shall report to each district an estimate of the number of FTF to be secured based upon the appropriation of revenues contained in the annual Budget Bill.

(4) On or before December 31, 1991, the chancellor shall determine the extent to which each district, by September 30, 1991, has hired the number of FTF determined pursuant to paragraph (3) for the 1989–90 and 1990–91 fiscal years. To the extent that the cumulative number of FTF have not been retained, the chancellor shall reduce the district’s base budget for 1991–92 and subsequent fiscal years by an amount equivalent to the average replacement cost times the deficiency in the number of FTF.

(Added by Stats. 1988, Ch. 973, Sec. 35.)

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