Section 87478.

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Except as provided in Sections 87481 and 87482, governing boards of community college districts shall classify faculty employed to fill positions of regularly employed persons absent from service as temporary employees.

After September 1 of any school year, the governing board of a community college district may employ, for the remainder of the school year, in temporary status any otherwise qualified person who consents to be so employed in a position for which no regular employee is available, including persons retired for service under the State Teachers’ Retirement System. Inability to acquire the services of a qualified regular employee shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the board of governors.

Any person employed for one complete school year as a temporary employee shall, if reemployed for the following school year in a faculty position, be classified by the governing board as a contract employee and the previous year’s employment as a temporary employee shall be deemed a year of employment as a contract employee for purposes of acquiring regular status.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1302, Sec. 80. Effective September 25, 1990.)

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