Section 87464.

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The division, uniting, unification, or consolidation of any community college district or districts, or any change in district boundaries or organization, shall not affect the classification of academic employees already employed by any district affected. These employees shall have the same status with respect to their classification by the district, including time served as contract employees of the district after the division, uniting, unification, or consolidation, or change in district boundaries or organization as they had prior thereto. If the division, uniting, unification, or consolidation, or change in district boundaries or organization results in the college or other place in which any such employee is employed being maintained by another district, the employee, if a regular employee of the district that formerly maintained the college or other place of employment, shall be employed as a regular employee of the district which thereafter maintains the college or other place of employment, unless the employee elects to continue in the employ of the first district. If the employee is a contract employee of the district that formerly maintained the college or other place of employment, he or she shall be employed by the district which thereafter maintains the college or other place of employment, unless the contract employee is terminated by the district pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 87600). If not so terminated, his or her status with respect to classification by the district shall be the same as it would have been had the college or other place of employment continued to be maintained by the district that formerly maintained it. As used in this paragraph, “the college or other place in which any employee is employed” and all references thereto, includes, but is not limited to, the college services or college program which, as a result of any division, uniting, unification, or consolidation of a district, will be provided by another district, irrespective of whether any particular building or buildings in which the service or program was conducted is physically located in the new district and irrespective of whether any new district resulting from the division elects to provide for the education of its students by contracting with another community college district until the time that the new district constructs its own facilities.

As used in this section, “any change in district boundaries or organization” includes, but is not limited to, the formation of a community college district.

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 150. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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