Section 87411.

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If, without good cause, a regular employee of a community college district fails prior to July 1st of any college year to notify the governing board of the district of his or her intention to remain or not to remain in the service of the district, as the case may be, during the ensuing college year if a request to give that notice, including a copy of this section, was personally served upon the employee, or mailed to him or her by United States certified mail with return receipt requested to his or her last known place of address, by the clerk or secretary of the governing board of the community college district, not later than the preceding May 30th, the employee may be deemed to have declined employment and his or her services as an employee of the district may be terminated on June 30th of that year.

(Amended by Stats. 1995, Ch. 758, Sec. 138. Effective January 1, 1996.)

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