Section 87101.

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For the purposes of this article:

(a) “Equal employment opportunity” means that all qualified individuals have a full and fair opportunity to compete for hiring and promotion and fully enjoy the benefits of employment by a community college district. Ensuring equal employment opportunity is advanced in an inclusive environment that fosters cooperation, acceptance, democracy, and the free expression of ideas. An inclusive environment is welcoming to men and women, persons with disabilities, individuals from all ethnic groups, and individuals from all other groups protected from discrimination by this article.

(b) “Equal employment opportunity plan” means a document that includes specific procedures for achieving equal employment opportunity.

(c) “Equal employment opportunity program” means all the various methods by which equal employment opportunity is ensured. These methods include, but are not necessarily limited to, actively recruiting, using nondiscriminatory employment practices, and monitoring employment practices to ensure equality of opportunity. Each district employer shall commit to sustained action to devise recruiting, training, and advancement opportunities that will result in equal employment opportunities for all qualified applicants and employees.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 2002, Ch. 1169, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2003.)

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