Section 87018.

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(a) In addition to the benefits provided pursuant to Sections 395.01 and 395.02 of the Military and Veterans Code, any employee of a community college district who, as a member of the California National Guard or a United States Military Reserve organization, is called into active military duty, may receive, on approval of the governing board of the school district, the benefits provided for in subdivision (b).

(b) Any employee to which subdivision (a) applies, while on active duty, may receive from the community college employer, for a period not to exceed 180 calendar days, as part of his or her compensation, all of the following:

(1) The difference between the amount of his or her military pay and allowances and the amount the employee would have received as an employee, including any merit raises that would otherwise have been granted during the time the individual was on active military duty.

(2) All benefits that he or she would have received had he or she not been called to active military duty unless the benefits are prohibited or limited by vendor contracts.

(Added by Stats. 2003, Ch. 783, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2004.)

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