Section 8667.

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(a) The University of California shall be responsible for selection of the faculty of the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science.

(b) The faculty for the summer school shall be selected from distinguished kindergarten to 12th grade, inclusive, teachers and university faculty of mathematics and science, and may not be restricted to members of the current faculty of the University of California. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the faculty may not be subject to credentialing requirements or any other restrictions upon eligibility for employment generally applicable to public school instructors, except for the requirement of obtaining a certificate of clearance from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing pursuant to Sections 44332.5, 44339, 44340, and 44341.

(Amended by Stats. 1999, Ch. 78, Sec. 12. Effective July 7, 1999.)

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