Section 85302.

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(a) The implementation of the Delta Plan shall further the restoration of the Delta ecosystem and a reliable water supply.

(b) The geographic scope of the ecosystem restoration projects and programs identified in the Delta Plan shall be the Delta, except that the Delta Plan may include recommended ecosystem projects outside the Delta that will contribute to achievement of the coequal goals.

(c) The Delta Plan shall include measures that promote all of the following characteristics of a healthy Delta ecosystem:

(1) Viable populations of native resident and migratory species.

(2) Functional corridors for migratory species.

(3) Diverse and biologically appropriate habitats and ecosystem processes.

(4) Reduced threats and stresses on the Delta ecosystem.

(5) Conditions conducive to meeting or exceeding the goals in existing species recovery plans and state and federal goals with respect to doubling salmon populations.

(d) The Delta Plan shall include measures to promote a more reliable water supply that address all of the following:

(1) Meeting the needs for reasonable and beneficial uses of water.

(2) Sustaining the economic vitality of the state.

(3) Improving water quality to protect human health and the environment.

(e) The following subgoals and strategies for restoring a healthy ecosystem shall be included in the Delta Plan:

(1) Restore large areas of interconnected habitats within the Delta and its watershed by 2100.

(2) Establish migratory corridors for fish, birds, and other animals along selected Delta river channels.

(3) Promote self-sustaining, diverse populations of native and valued species by reducing the risk of take and harm from invasive species.

(4) Restore Delta flows and channels to support a healthy estuary and other ecosystems.

(5) Improve water quality to meet drinking water, agriculture, and ecosystem long-term goals.

(6) Restore habitat necessary to avoid a net loss of migratory bird habitat and, where feasible, increase migratory bird habitat to promote viable populations of migratory birds.

(f) The council shall consider, for incorporation into the Delta Plan, actions designed to implement the subgoals and strategies described in subdivision (e).

(g) In carrying out this section, the council shall make use of the best available science.

(h) The Delta Plan shall include recommendations regarding state agency management of lands in the Delta.

(Added by Stats. 2009, 7th Ex. Sess., Ch. 5, Sec. 39. (SB 1 7x) Effective February 3, 2010.)

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