Section 85301.

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(a) The commission shall develop, for consideration and incorporation into the Delta Plan by the council, a proposal to protect, enhance, and sustain the unique cultural, historical, recreational, agricultural, and economic values of the Delta as an evolving place, in a manner consistent with the coequal goals. For the purpose of carrying out this subdivision, the commission may include in the proposal the relevant strategies described in the Strategic Plan.

(b) (1) The commission shall include in the proposal a plan to establish state and federal designation of the Delta as a place of special significance, which may include application for a federal designation of the Delta as a National Heritage Area.

(2) The commission shall include in the proposal a regional economic plan to support increased investment in agriculture, recreation, tourism, and other resilient land uses in the Delta. The regional economic plan shall include detailed recommendations for the administration of the Delta Investment Fund created by Section 29778.5 of the Public Resources Code.

(c) For the purposes of assisting the commission in its preparation of the proposal, both of the following actions shall be undertaken:

(1) The Department of Parks and Recreation shall prepare a proposal, for submission to the commission, to expand within the Delta the network of state recreation areas, combining existing and newly designated areas. The proposal may incorporate appropriate aspects of any existing plans, including the Central Valley Vision Implementation Plan adopted by the Department of Parks and Recreation.

(2) The Department of Food and Agriculture shall prepare a proposal, for submission to the commission, to establish market incentives and infrastructure to protect and enhance the economic and public values of Delta agriculture.

(d) The commission shall submit the proposal developed pursuant to subdivision (a) to the council. The council shall consider the proposal and may include any portion of the proposal in the Delta Plan if the council, in its discretion, determines that the portion of the proposal is feasible and consistent with the objectives of the Delta Plan and the purposes of this division.

(Added by Stats. 2009, 7th Ex. Sess., Ch. 5, Sec. 39. (SB 1 7x) Effective February 3, 2010.)

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