Section 84750.5.

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(a) The board of governors, in accordance with the statewide requirements contained in paragraphs (1) to (9), inclusive, of subdivision (d), and in consultation with institutional representatives of the California Community Colleges and statewide faculty and staff organizations, so as to ensure their participation in the development and review of policy proposals, shall develop criteria and standards for the purpose of making the annual budget request for the California Community Colleges to the Governor and the Legislature, and for the purpose of allocating the state general apportionment revenues.

(b) In developing the criteria and standards, the board of governors shall use and strongly consider the recommendations and work product of the “System Office Recommendations Based on the Report of the Work Group on Community College Finance” that was adopted by the board at its meeting of March 7, 2005. The board of governors shall complete the development of these criteria and standards, accompanied by the necessary procedures, processes, and formulas for using its criteria and standards, by March 1, 2007, and shall submit on or before that date a report on these items to the Legislature and the Governor.

(c) (1) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section to improve the equity and predictability of general apportionment and growth funding for community college districts in order that the districts may more readily plan and implement instruction and related programs, more readily serve students according to the policies of the state’s master plan for higher education, and enhance the quality of instruction and related services for students.

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature to determine the amounts to be appropriated for purposes of this section through the annual Budget Act. This section shall not be construed as limiting the authority either of the Governor to propose, or the Legislature to approve, appropriations for California Community Colleges programs or purposes.

(d) The board of governors shall develop the criteria and standards within the following statewide minimum requirements:

(1) The calculations of each community college district’s revenue level for each fiscal year shall be based on the level of general apportionment revenues, state and local, the community college district received for the prior year plus any amount attributed to a deficit from the adopted standards to be developed pursuant to this section, with revenue adjustments being made for increases or decreases in full-time equivalent students (FTES), for equalization of funding per credit FTES, for necessary alignment of funding per FTES between credit and noncredit programs, for inflation, and for other purposes authorized by law.

(2) Commencing with the 2006–07 fiscal year, the funding mechanism developed pursuant to this section shall recognize the need for community college districts to receive an annual allocation based on the number of colleges and comprehensive centers in the community college district. In addition to this basic allocation, the marginal amount of credit revenue allocated per FTES shall be funded at a rate not less than four thousand three hundred sixty-seven dollars ($4,367), as adjusted for the change in the cost of living in subsequent annual budget acts.

(A) To the extent that the Budget Act of 2006 contains an appropriation of one hundred fifty-nine million four hundred thirty-eight thousand dollars ($159,438,000) for community college equalization, the Legislature finds and declares that community college equalization for credit FTES has been effectively accomplished as of March 31, 2007.

(B) The chancellor shall develop criteria for the allocation of one-time grants for those community college districts that would have qualified for more equalization under prior law than pursuant to this section and the Budget Act of 2006, and for those community college districts that would have qualified for more funding under a proposed rural college access grant than pursuant to this section and the Budget Act of 2006, as determined by the chancellor. Appropriations for the one-time grants shall be provided pursuant to paragraph (24) of subdivision (a) of Section 43 of Chapter 79 of the Statutes of 2006.

(3) Noncredit instruction shall be funded at a uniform rate of two thousand six hundred twenty-six dollars ($2,626) per FTES, as adjusted for the change in the cost of living provided in subsequent annual budget acts.

(4) Funding for instruction in career development and college preparation, as authorized pursuant to Section 84760.5, shall be provided as follows:

(A) (i) Beginning in the 2006–07 fiscal year, career development and college preparation FTES may be funded at a rate of three thousand ninety-two dollars ($3,092) per FTES for courses in programs that conform to the requirements of Section 84760.5. This rate shall be adjusted for the change in the cost of living or as otherwise provided in subsequent annual budget acts.

(ii) Beginning in the 2015–16 fiscal year, career development and college preparation FTES shall be funded at the same level as the credit rate specified in paragraph (2). This rate shall be adjusted for the change in the cost of living or as otherwise provided in subsequent annual budget acts.

(iii) The Legislative Analyst shall report to the Legislature on or before March 1, 2017, regarding the change in funding specified in clause (ii), including whether community colleges offered additional classes or programs related to career development or college preparation, and whether there was any change in FTES.

(iv) (I) The requirement for submitting a report imposed under clause (iii) is inoperative on March 30, 2019, pursuant to Section 10231.5 of the Government Code.

(II) A report submitted pursuant to clause (iii) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.

(B) Changes in career development and college preparation FTES shall result in adjustments to revenues as follows:

(i) Increases in career development and college preparation FTES shall result in an increase in revenues in the year of the increase and at the average rate per career development and college preparation FTES, including any cost-of-living adjustment authorized by statute or by the annual Budget Act.

(ii) Decreases in career development and college preparation FTES shall result in a revenue reduction in the year following the decrease at the average rate per career development and college preparation FTES.

(5) Except as otherwise provided by statute, current categorical programs providing direct services to students, including extended opportunity programs and services, and disabled students programs and services, shall continue to be funded separately through the annual Budget Act, and shall not be assumed under the budget formula otherwise specified by this section.

(6) For credit and noncredit instruction, changes in FTES shall result in adjustments in community college district revenues as follows:

(A) Increases in FTES shall result in an increase in revenues in the year of the increase and at the amount per FTES provided for in paragraph (2) or (3), as appropriate, including any cost-of-living adjustment authorized by statute or by the annual Budget Act.

(B) Decreases in FTES shall result in revenue reductions beginning in the year following the initial year of decrease in FTES, and at the district’s marginal funding per FTES.

(C) Community college districts shall be entitled to the restoration of any reductions in apportionment revenue due to decreases in FTES during the three years following the initial year of decrease in FTES if there is a subsequent increase in FTES.

(7) Revenue adjustments shall be made to reflect cost changes, using the same inflation adjustment as required for school districts pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 42238.02. These revenue adjustments shall be made to the college and center basic allocations, credit and noncredit FTES funding rates, and career development and college preparation FTES funding rates.

(8) The statewide requested increase in budgeted workload FTES shall be based, at a minimum, on the sum of the following computations:

(A) Determination of an equally weighted average of the rate of change in the state’s population of persons between 19 and 24 years of age and the rate of change in the state’s population of persons between 25 and 65 years of age, both as determined by the Department of Finance’s Demographic Research Unit as determined for the preceding fiscal year.

(B) To the extent the state’s unemployment rate exceeds 5 percent for the most recently completed fiscal year, that positive difference shall be added to the rate computed in subparagraph (A). In no event shall that positive difference exceed 2 percent.

(C) The chancellor may also add to the amounts calculated pursuant to subparagraphs (A) and (B) the number of FTES in the areas of transfer, vocational education, and basic skills that were unfunded in the current fiscal year. For this purpose, the following computation shall be determined for each community college district, and a statewide total shall be calculated:

(i) Establish the base level of FTES earned in the prior fiscal year for transfer courses consisting of courses meeting the California State University breadth or Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum requirements or major course prerequisites accepted by the University of California or the California State University.

(ii) Establish the base level of FTES earned in the prior fiscal year for vocational education courses consisting of courses defined by the chancellor’s office Student Accountability Model codes A and B that are consistent with the courses used for measuring success in this program area under the accountability system established pursuant to Section 84754.5.

(iii) Establish the base level of FTES in the prior fiscal year for basic skills courses, both credit and noncredit.

(iv) Add the sum of FTES for clauses (i) to (iii), inclusive.

(v) Multiply the result of the calculation made under clause (iv) by one plus the community college district’s funded growth rate in the current fiscal year. This figure shall represent the maintenance of effort level for the budget year.

(vi) FTES in transfer, vocational education, and basic skills that are in excess of the total calculated pursuant to clause (v), shall be considered in excess of the maintenance of effort level, and shall be eligible for overcap growth funding if the community college district exceeds its overall funded FTES.

(vii) In no event shall the amount calculated pursuant to clause (vi) exceed the total unfunded FTES for that fiscal year. To the extent the computation specified in subdivision (c) requires the reporting of additional data by community college districts, that reporting shall be a condition of the receipt of apportionment for growth pursuant to this section and those funds shall be available to offset any and all costs of providing the data.

(9) Except as specifically provided in statute, regulations of the board of governors for determining and allocating the state general apportionment to the community college districts shall not require community college district governing boards to expend the allocated revenues in specified categories of operation or according to the workload measures developed by the board of governors.

(e) (1) The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall develop, and the board of governors shall adopt, a revised apportionment growth formula for use commencing with the 2015–16 fiscal year. The chancellor shall allocate apportionments pursuant to the revised formula only after the revised formula, and any formulas for adjustment pursuant to paragraph (2), have been adopted by the board of governors. The revised apportionment growth formula shall support the primary missions of the segment, and shall be based on each community’s need for access to the community colleges, as determined by local demographics. In developing the revised formula, the chancellor shall consider multiple factors in determining need; however, the primary factors shall be:

(A) (i) The number of persons under 25 years of age without a college degree, within a community college district’s boundaries, and the number of persons 25 to 64 years of age, inclusive, without a college degree, within a community college district’s boundaries.

(ii) Notwithstanding clause (i), the chancellor may use alternative age ranges depending on the availability of data.

(B) The number of persons who are unemployed, have limited English skills, who are in poverty, or who exhibit other signs of being disadvantaged, as determined by the chancellor, within a community college district’s boundaries.

(2) Beginning with the 2016–17 fiscal year, the chancellor shall adjust upward the need determination based on each community college’s effectiveness in serving residents of neighborhoods, within or outside of the community college district’s boundaries, that exhibit the highest levels of need in the state.

(3) The chancellor shall calculate each community college district’s proportionate share of the statewide need for access to the community colleges based on the application of this formula described in paragraph (1), as adjusted pursuant to paragraph (2).

(4) The chancellor shall calculate the difference between each community college district’s proportionate share of the statewide need for access to the community colleges, as calculated pursuant to paragraph (3), and its current proportionate share of statewide enrollment in the community colleges.

(5) (A) Until a community college district reaches its highest level of apportionment revenues previously received, its apportionment revenues shall be eligible to increase by the lesser of 1 percent of its current apportionment base, or one-half of the statewide growth allocation on a proportionate basis, regardless of need.

(B) After a community college district reaches its highest level of apportionment revenues previously received, it is eligible to increase its apportionment revenues by the lesser of one-half of 1 percent of its current apportionment base, or one-quarter of the statewide growth allocation on a proportionate basis, regardless of its need.

(6) The remainder of the apportionment growth funding shall be allocated to allow each community college district to grow its apportionment revenues based on its relative share of the difference between the amounts calculated in paragraph (4), up to a maximum of its apportionment base for the preceding fiscal year appropriate to ensure that community college district is advancing the primary missions of the segment. The maximum established by the chancellor shall not be less than 5 percent nor greater than 10 percent of a community college district’s apportionment base for the preceding fiscal year.

(7) Unless otherwise agreed upon by the board of governors, apportionment reductions shall be allocated proportionally based on the most recent levels of apportionment revenues.

(8) (A) It is the intent of the Legislature, consistent with direction provided in the 2014–15 Budget Act, that apportionment growth funding be expended for purposes of increasing the number of FTES in courses or programs that support the primary missions of the segment.

(B) (i) Notwithstanding Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, on or before October 15, 2015, and each year thereafter, the chancellor shall report to the Legislature on the course sections and FTES added at each community college that received apportionment growth funding in the prior fiscal year, including the number of course sections and if any course sections and FTES were added that are within the primary missions of the segment and those that are not within the primary missions of the segment.

(ii) A report submitted to the Legislature pursuant to clause (i) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.

(C) For purposes of this section, “primary missions of the segment” means credit courses and those noncredit courses specified in paragraphs (2) to (6), inclusive, of subdivision (a) of Section 84757.

(f) (1) It is the intent of the Legislature to allow for changes to the criteria and standards developed pursuant to subdivisions (a) to (d), inclusive, in order to recognize increased operating costs and to improve instruction.

(2) (A) If the annual Budget Act identifies funds appropriated specifically for the purposes of this subdivision, the chancellor shall adjust the budget request formula to allocate those funds without altering any of the adjustments described in subdivision (d). At least 30 days before allocating any state general apportionment revenues using a budget request formula revised pursuant to this subdivision, the chancellor shall submit to the Department of Finance and the Legislature a description of the specific adjustments made to the budget request formula.

(B) A report to the Legislature pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.

(g) Notwithstanding Subchapter 1 (commencing with Section 51000) of Chapter 2 of Division 6 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations and Section 84751, the chancellor shall allocate the ongoing funds first appropriated pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of provision 2 of Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2015 (Chapters 10 and 11, Statutes of 2015) to all community college districts, including districts that have offsetting local revenues that exceed the funding calculated pursuant to the district’s budget formula, on a per FTES basis by modifying each district’s budget formula pursuant to this section. Any revisions to the budget formula made for the purposes of this subdivision shall be made and reported consistent with the requirements of subdivision (f).

(h) Commencing with the 2018–19 fiscal year, this section shall only be used to allocate revenue pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 36 of Article XIII of the California Constitution, to compute allocations for noncredit instruction and career development and college FTES, and to compute allocations to community college districts for fiscal years prior to the 2018–19 fiscal year.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 497, Sec. 91. (AB 991) Effective January 1, 2020.)

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