Section 78032.

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(a) The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges may, pursuant to a finding that one or more of the following concerns in any community college district requires the restriction of interdistrict attendance, impose one or more restrictions upon interdistrict attendance with regard to that district as it deems necessary:

(1) Protection of the financial health of the district, and of educational program integrity, including, but not limited to, maintenance of the appropriate quality and scope of student educational opportunity.

(2) The need to avoid overcrowding, in light of the available space in the district.

(3) The priority that resident students not be displaced by students who do not reside in the district.

(b) No restriction adopted under subdivision (a) shall apply for a period of longer than two years, absent additional action of the board of governors to continue that restriction.

(c) (1) No community college district shall recruit any student who is a resident of any other community college district, except where an agreement exists between those districts authorizing each district to recruit within the boundaries of the other district.

(2) If, pursuant to an agreement as described in paragraph (1), a community college district recruits within the boundaries of another community college district, it shall recruit from all high schools within that other district, and may not favor any high schools over other high schools within that other district.

(3) For purposes of this section:

(A) “Recruiting” means either or both of the following actions by a community college district, where the apparent purpose is to encourage student attendance in that district:

(i) The mailing by a community college district, to any address not within its boundaries, of class schedules or other written information, except to current or former students of the district or at the addressee’s request.

(ii) The personal visit by a representative of the community college district to any high school, except in response to an invitation from the school district of which the high school is a part.

(B) “Recruiting” does not include any information provided by a community college district through radio, television, or any newspaper or other publication that is not published or otherwise issued by the district, and for which distribution is not limited to residents of the district.

(d) The board of governors shall authorize the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges to retain in any fiscal year an amount of up to 5 percent of the appropriation calculated under Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 84700) of Part 50 as a penalty applicable to any community college district that violates this article, including, but not necessarily limited to, any restriction imposed by the board of governors under this section. Any funds retained pursuant to this subdivision shall revert to the General Fund.

(Amended by Stats. 2005, Ch. 654, Sec. 18. Effective October 7, 2005.)

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